Higher Education Degree Program
Earn Your Degree! Certificate and AAS Degree Programs for Certified Arkansas Officers
The Criminal Justice Institute collaborates with 12 colleges and universities across the State to expand higher education opportunities for Arkansas law enforcement. Through two unique programs—Crime Scene Investigation and Law Enforcement Administration—law enforcement personnel can now obtain Certificates of Proficiency, Technical Certificates, and Associate of Applied Science Degrees in fields of study specific to the law enforcement profession.
Both programs of study are available exclusively to Arkansas law enforcement officers who are actively employed within a law enforcement agency in the State. To successfully complete a program, participants will be required to take special courses through the Criminal Justice Institute along with general education courses from collaborating colleges and universities. Although officers will be required to pay all tuition and fees of the college or university, college credit for courses completed at CJI will be provided free of charge to Arkansas law enforcement personnel, allowing them to complete certificate and degree programs at a fraction of the normal cost.
Information concerning financial aid opportunities, including Pell grants, student loans, and workforce improvement grants, can be obtained by contacting the financial aid offices of participating higher education institutions and the Arkansas Department of Higher Education (www.adhe.edu). Examinations are administered in all CJI courses that are included in the Academic Certificate and AAS Degree Programs. If you are currently participating or intend to participate in these academic programs, taking these examinations when initially offered is required.
To enter the program, you must complete an Intent to Enroll form as well as the Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA) Waiver form. Completing these forms does not obligate you to complete the program, but allows the Institute to collaborate with the partnering college/university of your choice.
For more information on these unique Higher Education Programs, contact Beth Green at (501) 570-8045.